Thursday, October 17, 2013

The REAL Truth about Robert Zink and the Golden Dawn

The shocking truth is that the Esoteric Order of the Golden Dawn and Robert Zink  have come under some fire, lies, and false accusations.  The reasons will be explained in forthcoming blogs, but suffice it to say, Robert Zink and the Esoteric Order of the Golden Dawn are still providing outstanding occult education to our students and members.  Naturally, from time to time there is a mis-communication but the cold fact is that there are mis-steps in all occult Orders.
A recent example is a Steven M. From Oregon.  Steven like so many who have got caught in the diploma mill construct bout a membership from the Rosicrucian Order of the Alpha Et Omega.  This is a Golden Dawn styled group that has taken a hyper competitive stance against many other Golden Dawn Order’s including the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn/Chic Cicero,  Nick Farrell, Donald Michael Kraig, The Order of the Golden Dawn/ Pat Zalweski and others.  For some reason that only a trained psychotherapists could uncover, Mr. Griffin and the A.O. have been more vicious on the Internet against the Esoteric Order of the Golden Dawn than all the others they have attacked.  Back to Steven, he bought his membership from the Rosicrucian Order Alpha et Omega and NEVER GOT HIS PROMISED TRAINING.  He was cut off from the forums and left to hang.  This is not an isolated situation. This illustration is one example.  We could easily share examples from every other GD group in existence. There is a challenge to operating a large organization.
The plain truth is that mix-ups and mis-understanding happen in all groups.  However the Esoteric Order of the Golden Dawn has taken some powerful and positive steps to provide remedies.
1. All members or future members are interviewed before they are admitted into our sacred fraternity.  There is no diploma mill.  The diploma mill would have Mathers rolling over in his grave.  We keep to the standards. We talk to all new applicants, this creates a line of communication and as a result we can quickly fix problems.
2. The Esoteric Order of the Golden Dawn does not accept auto pay at this time.  The reason is simple. We prefer to make comfortable arrangements with our members via checks,  and other methods.  Our dues are still only $120.00 per year.  We do not charge monthly dues which many consider a rip-off. WE DO NOT PUT YOU ON AUTO DEDUCT AS SOME GROUPS DO....BEWARE OF THIS.
3.  We customize dues for the following with substantial discounts:
1. veterans
2. students
3. disabled
4. couples
We also provide a low fee lifetime membership.
5. New members and applicants are given a private phone number with a genuine adept standing by ready to handle your question or solve your problem.  Our Order is dedicated to clear communications with all our Fraters and Sorors.
Both the E.O.G.D. and Robert Zink are in good standing with their bank.  The Esoteric Order of the Golden Dawn does not even accept credit cards due to the high level of fraud on the Internet and the number of people who have applied for membership using another person’s card.  Since we do not charge a month renewal fee or an annual fee of $99.00 that is automatically deducted from your account, we have no need for the use of credit cards at this time.  Neither Robert Zink nor the Esoteric Order of the Golden Dawn has ever been even investigated for any kind of credit card mis-conduct.  This is outright gutter propaganda designed to discredit our Order and to encourage membership in a few other groups.  None of the groups attacking Robert Zink have the lineage or history with the Golden Dawn.  Compared to Zink they are new comers and are using negative attacks on our Order to build their own Order’s.  Their negative attacks should be taken for what it is, and the source should be considered.
We hope this clarifies some vital information.  Remember this, you can say anything on the net, against anyone, for any reason.  The question is always the motive.
G.H. Frater P.D.R.
Esoteric Order of the Golden Dawn

I sincerely hope this articel serves to clear up more rumors and lies.

Robert Zink
Mentor of Light

Friday, July 12, 2013

Who is the REAL Robert Zink, and How he Saved my Life.

The following blog is a letter of reference from a client who went through a terrible ordeal.  If necessary documentation can be provided to validate this letter of reference

Who is Robert Zink? Many people have defined him in many ways; some positive, some negative. I challenge you to find out who Robert is from talking with him.

When I found Robert I was DESPERATE to recover from the destruction of a tragic event in my life. The universe led me to his podcast. For this I am forever grateful. The depth of knowledge that Robert has to share is absolutely incredible!! Robert is truly connected to Spirit thus manifesting lasting  change.

<strong>After listening to Robert's podcast "The Law of Attraction - Secret Temple" on blogtalkradio for two months I took the leap into Miracle Mentoring. Wow!!! Everyone should experience this kind of intense mentoring. Not only was the stolen $70,000 returned to me, I received a tool box full of techniques for empowering my own life. Miracles really do happen when you start changing the inner workings of your own mind and take action.

The money that was stolen from me was taken by the government through the act of civil forfeiture. Everything I read on the Internet, every forum I looked at, every lawyer I talked to said you will never see your money again. I was also told that I would fall head first if I tried to get it back. I had my money in 8 weeks after talking to Robert Zink. If I had believed the Internet, the people I talked to, and all the lawyers I would have lost my house.

I am so thankful that I made the decision to hire Robert Zink. I was scared to hire Robert when I had no money and there was negative press on the Internet about him. It seemed like a great risk for me to hire Robert but I am absolutely glad I did. It did not take me long after a little research to discover almost all the negative press was from one person who owns a few sites on the net.  This person is a David Griffin who apparently has a problem with Robert, since Robert is also the leader of another Golden dawn Order.

 Miracle Mentoring will positively change your life forever!!! Take risk and charge your life. The life you want IS at your fingertips.

~Olivia Rose

NOTE: You can listen to The Secret Temple Podcast with Robert Zink on BTR and I-Tunes

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Robert Zink Secret Temple Podcast on Magic & Law of Attraction

Here is a recent letter.

This is typical of the kind of letter we get weekly.  The Secret Temple - Law of Attraction Podcast has been going since 2009.  This show is filled with positive information on the Law of Attraction and Miracle Magic.

You can listen to the Secret Temple-Law of Attraction with your host Robert Zink by going to I-Tunes and subscribing to the podcast.  There are nearly 80 shows that you can begin listening to

Here is the letter:


Thanks so much for all your podcasts.  They have been of wonderful help to me in my business.  I felt there was some kind of energy blockage when we opened up our company, and after listening to all your podcast, we were able to correct the probem and save our company from disaster.  You know your magic, and I am convinced that you know the Law of Attraction better than anyone.  I am grateful for your podcast the Secret Temple.  Please keep it going.


Don Martin