By Robert Zink
This is my first personal blog on this page. I hope to share a part of me that many people do not know. I have many interests and most of them revolve around magic, healing, hypnosis and other related topics.
Not long ago I was watching the news and I saw an interview with former President Bill Clinton. I was impressed. This man looks better today then he did when he was President. He has lost a ton of weight and his diet involved a radical change to an all vegan diet. I thought about going vegan once before, but never had total commitment. Every time I was about to go vegan someone invited me to a BBQ.
Many of you know that I am originally from Seattle-Tacoma, but have lived the 3 years in Wisconsin. I kid about Wisconsin and I did complain a great deal the first winter. But all in all I love Wisconsin. It is a beautiful state with exceptional people. One of the things that happened in Wisconsin is I developed a bad habit. During the winter and fall almost every night I had a fire, a glass of wine and some meat, crackers, and yes, cheese curds! Now if you have not eaten cheese curds before, and you are not a vegan, you will want to give them a try if you are ever in Packer land. The problem is I gain a ton of weight. Now on my vegan diet and counting calories, I am slowly shedding the pounds of crackers and cheese curds. I will miss that tasty morsel in the winter, but I will not miss the extra pound I put on and the kind of damage they potentially could do to my arteries.
I am a healer. I am a Reiki Master about 5 times over. I am a Ruach Healer, and Angelic Healing Touch and E.F.T. and Golden Dawn ceremonial healing. I believe my best days as a healer are yet to come. I do not smoke, nor eat meat. I work out for 1 hour each day, and I spend more time in meditation than every before. I believe not eating meat will have a profound affect on my healing. I am very fortunate to already be extremely effective with healing, but being a vegan will take it to a new level. I will keep you informed on this blog and if you have any suggestions, please share.
Thanks for reading my new blog. It’s informal, but open for discussion. I would very much like you to subscribe too. Thanks for reading.
Peace Profound,
Robert Zink
Hi Robert I never heard anything about ruach healing,can you tell me little bit.with love Katharina