This is my own personal blog. This blog exist to share with you the truth about me, the EOGD, Miracle Mentoring, Miracle Magic and other related topics. . I intend to clear up some of the half baked rumors and fully baked lies that have been circulated about me. Many of these lies exist as a propaganda campaign by those who control the metaphysical and spiritual community. Robert Zink, Robert Zink Golden Dawn, Robert Zink Mentor of Light.
Monday, December 31, 2012
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
LIES about Robert Zink and Credit Cards Nasty Attack on the Golden Dawn
Dear Reader,
Below I have taken a section of a post that has been popping up on another website. The post and graphics are designed to make me and the E.O.G.D. look bad. The person who runs this site is less than honest. The bold faced truth is that David Griffin has publicly attacked almost every Golden Dawn group or GD scholar in existence. If you choose to join his umbrella, and make him your Chief, you may avoid the smear attacks & libelous statements that he might make about you on the Internet. I was an initiate of the GD current long before Griffin came on the scene, and I will be one long after he has gone. I am a perfectionist when it comes to magic, and my students often find this difficult, but like Mathers who went through a nasty schism, I believe if you want to practice magic, you better do it right.
Before we go on to answer some of the charges made below, let's see who David Griffin has attacked over the Internet throughout the years, either directly or through Internet sock puppets and trolls. ( If necessary we can pull up all the old attacks and post as I have them on file. )
Chic Cicero & R.A. Gilbert
He has attacked: Chic Cicero ( Founder of H.O.G.D./ Regardie )
Tommy Westlund ( Former partner of David Griffin and GD Teacher )
Pat Zalweski ( Noted GD scholar of the Stella Matutina )
R.A. Gilbert ( Noted GD and Masonic Historian )
Nick Farrell
Maxx ( Open Source Order of the Golden Dawn )
In addition, David Griffin has attacked numerous others including the S.I.R.A., and various Pagan groups. Basically, he has and will continue to attack anyone who poses a threat to his belief that he is the "CHOSEN ONE". This is, in part, why there was a major lawsuit that went on for years between Chic Cicero and David Griffin. This lawsuit, that Griffin lost, cost Chic Cicero almost $150,000. Resulting in not being able to call himself (Griffin) The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn in the United States.
The bottom line is that I have challenged some of Mr. Griffin's presuppositions about the Golden Dawn, such as taking the Inner Order materials and placing them into the Outer Order. THIS HAS MADE ME A TARGET. This is one of many disagreements between myself and Mr. David Griffin. I think by this illustration you get the idea. It is not, nor has it ever been, the goal of the Esoteric Order of the Golden Dawn (or Robert Zink) to cause or excite an Internet war. However, we will challenge the lies and half truth about the Divine Mysteries, The Golden Dawn and myself, and others, within the GD community. One final thought, before we move on to the libelous statements created by Mr. Griffin. I believe that Mr. Griffin and myself have a great deal in common. Neither of us are the kinds of people that passively sit on the sidelines. We both believe that a harmonious Golden Dawn community would be to the benefit of all concerned. This being said, I propose that Mr. Griffin meet with me, on his turf for extended conversations and ways to build positive bridges between estranged parties within the GD community, specifically the two of us. We will not attack Mr. Griffin, but we will defend the truth about about our Order and the people
within it, including myself.
David Griffin leader of the A.O./GD
Now, read his statement below. The rebuttals and truth corrections are mine and in red. Draw your own conclusions.
Numerous honest Golden Dawn Orders exist today on the internet. Sadly, there is one exception: The so-called "Esoteric Order of the Golden Dawn" credit card scam operation run by known sex offender and internet con artist, Robert A. Zink (alias "The Amazing Zinga," GH Frater PCA, GH Frater PDR, and Robert Zinga). Robert Zink is a known sex offender.
( He really does not spend much time on the credit card scam, this was just bait to get you to read his other attacks. For the record, I have a good relationship with my banks, have never been charged or even investigated for credit card fraud. This is a bold faced lie. He then goes on to call me a known sex offender. This is another bold faced lie. I was married for 15 years to my ex-wife. We raised two boys together. I am not, nor have I ever been, accused or charged by any Law Enforcement Agency for any crimes involving sex offenses. I am not on any data base. This whole thing is a bogus lie, designed to color peoples perceptions of me. Lies and propaganda will do this, if repeated over and over.)
One identified victim was impregnated by Zink as a young girl while her Mother was a member of Zink's "Order." The victim was left as a penniless, single Mother by Zink, having dropped out of Rosary high school due to the pregnancy.
( When my ex-wife and I went in separate directions after 15 years, she lived with a good friend. I moved in with another friend in Wisconsin. She and my sons are doing very well. She is continuing the business I started and has taken it to a very profitable level. Not much to say here except more bold gutter lies in an attempt to gain favor for his Own Order by down grading me and the Order I am apart of. )
Robert Zink was thrown out of his own Golden Dawn "order" by its most advanced members. You can read the original announcement . Deserted by all of his Adepts and Temples, fallen Adept, Robert Zink, today operates his EOGD website as a one man credit card scam posing as a Golden Dawn order.
Zink was expelled from his order for an entire list of reasons, the most important of which were thousands of dollars of credit card fraud - and nearly two decades of attacking other Golden Dawn leaders with paranoid delusions of "Golden Dawn Nazis," "Dangerous Megalomaniacs," and "Sex Magic to satisfy lower desires."
( Again he confuses his reader by throwing all kinds of stuff out on the net in hopes that some of it will stick. Our Order is growing faster with more quality members than ever before. We have a valid Second Order and new Sanctuaries and Temples are either open and working or in the near planning. It is with sadness that I had to dis-robe and remove from the Esoteric Order of the Golden Dawn some of the brethren who sought to make a power play and take over the Order. This power play is very similar to the one that David Griffin made many years ago with Chic Cicero, when he claimed his was not the Chief Adept of the Golden Dawn after only being initiated for a short time into the Inner Order. Chic was forced to remove him from his Order. I did the same thing to those who would later claim that they were the E.O.G.D. They are not the E.O.G.D. and according to Chic Cicero and others, never have been. They have formed their own thing.
To repeat I have never been involved in any kind of Credit Card scam or anything close. Most of the people who leave our Order leave because of the strict attention to detail in our magical training and the imposing level of study required to advance within our Order.
As for Sex Magic, our Order has never taught sex magic. What I do in my own bedroom with another consenting partner is my business. )
G.H. Frater P.D.R. ( Robert Zink )
G.H. Frater P.D.R. ( Robert Zink )
I guess I should find myself in good company, as these kind of wild eyed charges have been launched against other spiritual leaders including; but not limited to: John Paul II, L. Ron Hubbard, McGregor Mathers, who lost almost his entire Order to schism and revolt, Aliester Crowley, Sai Babba, and even Mother Teresa.
I just believe that the Golden Dawn system of magic and spiritual development would and should bring out the very best in all of us. I know for myself I have not lived up to my highest potential at times, so I cannot expect a leader from another Order to do the same. The path is a struggle, but a blessing as well.
G.H. Frater P.D.R. / Robert Zink
Imperator General of the Esoteric Order of the Golden Dawn
Chief Adept of the Second Order
G.H. Frater P.D.R. / Robert Zink
Imperator General of the Esoteric Order of the Golden Dawn
Chief Adept of the Second Order
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Robert Zink Invokes the Light of Healing
Dear Reader,
Every now and then if you are truly doing the spiritual work that you have been blessed to learn, you receive a letter or some kind of verification that what you are doing makes sense and is important in peoples lives.
I certainly do not do this work for the money. I have earned much more in the Advertising Agency business and in the Media business. I do it because I believe this is my calling and if I can have a positive effect on some one's life then it makes all the lies and false accusation waged against me work it.
I lead a rather simple life. It is just myself and my girlfriend and my cat. We seldom watch T.V. and most nights we talk or do some form of magic. Much of the work we do is for others, not for ourselves.
Today when I checked my email, I received this letter. I will tell you that this letter along with many others I receive have changed the entire landscape of my life. It is the Divine Spirit working through me in the act of healing that I treasure most. I believe that Golden Dawn types do not put enough effort in the healing arts. Some even scoff at it. I don't care. Healing another human being is one of the most precious gifts an Adept of the Magic of Light can share.
Here is the letter:
Dearest Robert,
With all the BS floating around on the Internet demonizing your character I thought I would offer a note of satisfaction and thanks for your records.
In addition to being a long time member of the order, I hope you remember the mentoring you provided in 2002-2004? During this time the advise and techniques you taught helped save my life! Your healing techniques helped reverse my MS diagnosis and regain control of my life. I hope you'll be pleased to know I still use the light therapy and remain in full remission to this day. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the work you do!
Terrence Presley
I deeply appreciate these kind of letters and the people that take the time to write them.
Light in Extension,
Robert Zink
Miracle Mentor and Alchemy Life Coach
Imperator General of the Esoteric Order of the Golden Dawn
Chief Adept of the Second Order of the Rose and Cross
Every now and then if you are truly doing the spiritual work that you have been blessed to learn, you receive a letter or some kind of verification that what you are doing makes sense and is important in peoples lives.
I certainly do not do this work for the money. I have earned much more in the Advertising Agency business and in the Media business. I do it because I believe this is my calling and if I can have a positive effect on some one's life then it makes all the lies and false accusation waged against me work it.
I lead a rather simple life. It is just myself and my girlfriend and my cat. We seldom watch T.V. and most nights we talk or do some form of magic. Much of the work we do is for others, not for ourselves.
Today when I checked my email, I received this letter. I will tell you that this letter along with many others I receive have changed the entire landscape of my life. It is the Divine Spirit working through me in the act of healing that I treasure most. I believe that Golden Dawn types do not put enough effort in the healing arts. Some even scoff at it. I don't care. Healing another human being is one of the most precious gifts an Adept of the Magic of Light can share.
Here is the letter:
Dearest Robert,
With all the BS floating around on the Internet demonizing your character I thought I would offer a note of satisfaction and thanks for your records.
In addition to being a long time member of the order, I hope you remember the mentoring you provided in 2002-2004? During this time the advise and techniques you taught helped save my life! Your healing techniques helped reverse my MS diagnosis and regain control of my life. I hope you'll be pleased to know I still use the light therapy and remain in full remission to this day. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the work you do!
Terrence Presley
I deeply appreciate these kind of letters and the people that take the time to write them.
Light in Extension,
Robert Zink
Miracle Mentor and Alchemy Life Coach
Imperator General of the Esoteric Order of the Golden Dawn
Chief Adept of the Second Order of the Rose and Cross
Friday, November 30, 2012
Smear Campaign Against Robert Zink. "Let's Call him a Predator."
It is a sad commentary that in our day and age of the Internet we can form a blog, call anyone anything, and for the most part we can get away with it. It is called a Smear Campaign and these underhanded types of campaigns are becoming common. There have been companies that have been totally destroyed by disgruntled ex employees and or competitors. I think this is wrong.
I for one never thought of us in the mystical community as competitors. I believed we were all in this together to better understand and teach the " Magic of Light" and the "Law of Attraction." I would still like to believe I am right, but when I see blogs that are negative and hurtful against one person after another in the Golden Dawn community, including Don Kraig, Chic Cicero, Pat Zawleski, and myself, all written or promoted by one person and one group it makes me ask the question," What's in it for him." Has he turned the Golden Dawn into an ego trip or a cash cow? Is the goal to eliminate perceived competitors through an organized process of trashing them on the net, day after day, year after year?
I personally think it is, but you will have to draw your own conclusions. There is an old saying that goes like this, " If you pay a man enough money to find problems, he will find them, even if he has to create them."
My ex-wife, whom I was married to for 15 years is much younger than me. There is naturally some whispering under the breath that goes on when there is an age difference. I believe our age difference is about 22 years. With her Mothers permission, who was living in my home at the time, we began seeing each other. The relationship grew and contrary to what some would have you believe we were together for 15 years. We raised two boys and a girl in that time and had a wonderful family. We had one child between us who is now entering college. I find it a sham and a disgrace that his birth certificate is on a public website, what kind of person does this to a young man starting out in life? This is disgraceful behavior and should stop. But as long as his followers allow this behavior to continue unchecked, it likely will. This is my son and he and his mother have a right to privacy. They want nothing to do with this Internet smear campaign against me. They just want to live their lives and be left alone. I respect that, but others do not.
( Special Note: To the best of our knowledge the website in question may have taken down my sons birth certificate since the publication of this blog. )
I have since dated and lived with a few people. One was beautiful woman of about 43 years old. I will not mention her name out of respect. I also dated another woman of 34 years old. Out of respect I will not mention her name either. The second relationship was rather rocking due to her mental condition that I did not know about until we got together.
Here are some facts: I have gone through a complete FBI back ground check to carry a concealed weapon in the state of Washington. This is both a state and federal background check. They do not give out concealed weapons permits to SEX OFFENDERS OR PREDATORS.
I have coached junior baseball for several years. Each year there is a complete background check. They are specifically looking for deviates and sex offenders. Naturally I do not show up.
I have not ever been investigated or arrested for any sex offense. This is the bold truth, yet there are a few who keep wanting to hammer these words into your brain. Again, I ask why?
I believe the reason why is to eliminate the competition. I have been aggressive with my marketing over the years both of my Personal Magic Products, as well as the Esoteric Order of the Golden Dawn. Many spiritual groups are not so pro-active as I am. The one person who is attacking me with this smear campaign is also aggressive. Somehow he sees me as a competitor. I am not. The people that I serve and teach come to me because they feel compelled on a spiritual level. I don't need to talk them into it and few could talk them out of it.
The other reason for the smear campaign against me is that I have been active in teaching the magical secrets of the Law of Attraction. Some of the teachings I share with my students and client are concealed magical secrets. There are a handful in the magical community that find this unacceptable. While I respect their opinions, I do not agree.
I have been teaching magick to people of all kinds and all ages for over 30 years. I am strict and some people find this offensive, but the truth is, is that I have formally initiated more people in the Second Order of the Golden Dawn than any other person alive with the possible exception of Chic Cicero.
I respect the magical community and the people in it. I respect the metaphysical community and the people in it too. I believe that we are transitioning in our world to higher consciousness. I don't see how calling someone names, ( a powerful propaganda method ) helps us as a community achieve our highest potential.
The next time you see someone calling someone a name, rather then read and move on, ask for proof. In addition, I believe that we as spiritual beings should not be endorsing this kind of gutter behavior by buying the products, or services. Show the world you have a pair, stop supporting these people and or groups.
Quit the Night, Seek the Day,
Robert Zink
Miracle Mentor and Alchemy Life Coach
Imperator General of the Esoteric Order of the Golden Dawn
Chief Adept of the Second Order
P.S. Here is another post written by an ex member of the Esoteric Order of the Golden Dawn. It is written by V.H. Frater I.C.
Clearly, there are many examples of authority figures in all types of institutions who use their influence to commit horrible crimes of sexual abuse. Were there to exist any fraternal order or group whose leader was convicted of sexual assault, exposing such a person may be a personal attack, but it would certainly be a justified one. However, to accuse Mr. Zink of such a crime is not only an unjustified personal attack. It is also a libelous one, because the facts clearly prove such accusations to be plainly an unequivocally false.
The argument is that his (Mr. Zink's son's) birth date proves that the child's mother, Mr. Zink's current wife of nearly 15 years, was under the age of 18. Therefore, they scream "statutory rape" and "sexual predator" because these words are very scary. However, this is the perfect example of a culturally ambiguous charge that does a true disservice to victims of sex crimes everywhere. (snip)
Not only has Mr. Zink never been convicted of a sex crime, neither has there ever been charges brought against him. Because there are absolutely no charges to bring up. My heart truly goes out to victims of sexual assault. That is why I find this plainly false accusation against Mr. Zink to be an absolute disgrace and a blatant disservice to victims of sexual assault everywhere.
I for one never thought of us in the mystical community as competitors. I believed we were all in this together to better understand and teach the " Magic of Light" and the "Law of Attraction." I would still like to believe I am right, but when I see blogs that are negative and hurtful against one person after another in the Golden Dawn community, including Don Kraig, Chic Cicero, Pat Zawleski, and myself, all written or promoted by one person and one group it makes me ask the question," What's in it for him." Has he turned the Golden Dawn into an ego trip or a cash cow? Is the goal to eliminate perceived competitors through an organized process of trashing them on the net, day after day, year after year?
I personally think it is, but you will have to draw your own conclusions. There is an old saying that goes like this, " If you pay a man enough money to find problems, he will find them, even if he has to create them."
My ex-wife, whom I was married to for 15 years is much younger than me. There is naturally some whispering under the breath that goes on when there is an age difference. I believe our age difference is about 22 years. With her Mothers permission, who was living in my home at the time, we began seeing each other. The relationship grew and contrary to what some would have you believe we were together for 15 years. We raised two boys and a girl in that time and had a wonderful family. We had one child between us who is now entering college. I find it a sham and a disgrace that his birth certificate is on a public website, what kind of person does this to a young man starting out in life? This is disgraceful behavior and should stop. But as long as his followers allow this behavior to continue unchecked, it likely will. This is my son and he and his mother have a right to privacy. They want nothing to do with this Internet smear campaign against me. They just want to live their lives and be left alone. I respect that, but others do not.
( Special Note: To the best of our knowledge the website in question may have taken down my sons birth certificate since the publication of this blog. )
I have since dated and lived with a few people. One was beautiful woman of about 43 years old. I will not mention her name out of respect. I also dated another woman of 34 years old. Out of respect I will not mention her name either. The second relationship was rather rocking due to her mental condition that I did not know about until we got together.
Here are some facts: I have gone through a complete FBI back ground check to carry a concealed weapon in the state of Washington. This is both a state and federal background check. They do not give out concealed weapons permits to SEX OFFENDERS OR PREDATORS.
I have coached junior baseball for several years. Each year there is a complete background check. They are specifically looking for deviates and sex offenders. Naturally I do not show up.
I have not ever been investigated or arrested for any sex offense. This is the bold truth, yet there are a few who keep wanting to hammer these words into your brain. Again, I ask why?
I believe the reason why is to eliminate the competition. I have been aggressive with my marketing over the years both of my Personal Magic Products, as well as the Esoteric Order of the Golden Dawn. Many spiritual groups are not so pro-active as I am. The one person who is attacking me with this smear campaign is also aggressive. Somehow he sees me as a competitor. I am not. The people that I serve and teach come to me because they feel compelled on a spiritual level. I don't need to talk them into it and few could talk them out of it.
The other reason for the smear campaign against me is that I have been active in teaching the magical secrets of the Law of Attraction. Some of the teachings I share with my students and client are concealed magical secrets. There are a handful in the magical community that find this unacceptable. While I respect their opinions, I do not agree.
I have been teaching magick to people of all kinds and all ages for over 30 years. I am strict and some people find this offensive, but the truth is, is that I have formally initiated more people in the Second Order of the Golden Dawn than any other person alive with the possible exception of Chic Cicero.
I respect the magical community and the people in it. I respect the metaphysical community and the people in it too. I believe that we are transitioning in our world to higher consciousness. I don't see how calling someone names, ( a powerful propaganda method ) helps us as a community achieve our highest potential.
The next time you see someone calling someone a name, rather then read and move on, ask for proof. In addition, I believe that we as spiritual beings should not be endorsing this kind of gutter behavior by buying the products, or services. Show the world you have a pair, stop supporting these people and or groups.
Quit the Night, Seek the Day,
Robert Zink
Miracle Mentor and Alchemy Life Coach
Imperator General of the Esoteric Order of the Golden Dawn
Chief Adept of the Second Order
P.S. Here is another post written by an ex member of the Esoteric Order of the Golden Dawn. It is written by V.H. Frater I.C.
Clearly, there are many examples of authority figures in all types of institutions who use their influence to commit horrible crimes of sexual abuse. Were there to exist any fraternal order or group whose leader was convicted of sexual assault, exposing such a person may be a personal attack, but it would certainly be a justified one. However, to accuse Mr. Zink of such a crime is not only an unjustified personal attack. It is also a libelous one, because the facts clearly prove such accusations to be plainly an unequivocally false.
The argument is that his (Mr. Zink's son's) birth date proves that the child's mother, Mr. Zink's current wife of nearly 15 years, was under the age of 18. Therefore, they scream "statutory rape" and "sexual predator" because these words are very scary. However, this is the perfect example of a culturally ambiguous charge that does a true disservice to victims of sex crimes everywhere. (snip)
Not only has Mr. Zink never been convicted of a sex crime, neither has there ever been charges brought against him. Because there are absolutely no charges to bring up. My heart truly goes out to victims of sexual assault. That is why I find this plainly false accusation against Mr. Zink to be an absolute disgrace and a blatant disservice to victims of sexual assault everywhere.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Robert Zink is Hardly a Cult Leader. LOL
His ranting is motivated by one thing, demonize me and bring to bring more people to his group. I believe this is a sad commentary. He may diabolically make claims that he is doing the Golden Dawn community a service, but he has literally attacked every public leader in the Golden Dawn community on his blog or website. Only a legal court order keeps him from continued attacks on Chic Cicero.
Here is another caveat. The people who support his claim that I am a cult leader are either ex members who have an axe to grind, or an ex wife who really feels a need to grind the ax. I sincerely challenge the source of these accusations. For one reason or another then did not feel they got what they wanted from me, so they turned tail and went else where, so they could get a sympathetic ear to their tales of woe.
Here is how far some people will go to slander me. They literally form a website called Cultwatch. This is not the one with hundreds of cults listed, no this is the one with only me listed. LMFAO.
They have blogs that are 100% all about me. They have written about nothing else! They claim I run a cult, but the truth is I have not met most of the members in my Order or even the people I mentor. They live all over the world. For the last 12 years I have not even lived near one of the Temples in our Order. This is hardly the actions or living style of a cult leader.
Then there is the wild eyed accusations that some Joy Johnson and Joseph Craig are members of our Orders. This is a blatant lie. I nor the Order that I am about with have any knowledge of these people or any connection.. I have never been questioned about them by the police or any other agency. This is a wicked lie designed to hurt my reputation.
People is our Order come and go, live their own lives and seldom,if ever tell me what they are doing. They talk to me about their magic, their studies and the Law of Attraction. This is hardly the work of a cult leader.
I will be writing more on this, but I ask you to do one thing, Think! If someone is willing to go through years and year of writing, creating false accounts, phony websites & more to attack me, what does he get out of it? Is it a community when you distort facts and make-up websites? I don't think so.
I promise to give you the truth on this site. I promise to answer you questions.
Thanks for reading...
Robert Zink
Miracle Mentor and Alchemy Life Coaching
Imperator General of the Esoteric Order of the Golden Dawn
Chief Adept of the Second Order
P.S. On a regular basis I read that I have been in jail or something of the kind. I have never been in jail nor am I wanted for anything. I live a quiet life with my Fiance and my cat and I do the work. Yet here are the kind of photo's associated with me on their so called Cultwatch blogs:
The wild eyes accusation are designed to cause fear in my clients and Order members. One person who is a high ranking so called Adept in another Order told me that he would one day bury me. I thought he was talking about dirt.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Robert Zink Reveals Secrets of Law of Attraction
By Robert Zink
Several years ago I decided to take many of the real secrets of the Law of Attraction and occult knowledge that have remained behind closed doors and modify them for the average person who wants to invoke this awesome power for life enhancement and empowerment.
In the beginning it was exciting and rewarding. I began developing a master healing system that many believe is the most powerful healing system in the world. Naturally, I applied my background as Imperator of the Golden Dawn, ( a western occult organizations that trains student to master the magic of light ) and Kaballah, and my knowledge of Tantric and eastern energy modalities. All of this knowledge came together to form the Ruach Healing Method. Since the beginning, people all over the world have become certified in the system that I created.
At first, my occult brothers and sisters were delighted, but then I began doing more than healing work, I began mentoring students from all over the world in what I now call Miracle Mentoring and Alchemy Life Coaching. I began traveling and teaching. My client list was impressive and global. I was making an impact and people were seriously learning the ancient secrets of the Law of Attraction. It was exciting. However, my occult brothers and sisters were angry. They did not, and do not like the idea that I would be teaching non-members of the Golden Dawn these powerful secrets. The letters and phone calls from them included threats and promises of disaster if I did not stop. I refused.
Little by little I began to notice slanderous statements and posts about me on the Internet. Most of these posts were from another occult Order that also teaches Golden Dawn, but it was not limited. It came from my students as well who felt I was revealing too much to the public. One of them said to me, "how dare you reveal this knowledge when I have had to study and work for over 17 year have it." I tried to explain that I was not in violation of any oaths or vows, that the knowledge I was teaching was from other sources. My dear brother and sisters refused to listen.
Soon, I felt like Dr. Frankenstein with people gathered outside my home with pitch forks and torches. I felt in danger. I received several threatening letters, and several times my website and email was hacked. In addition, I now had to deal with a pile of nasty posts on the Internet that accused me of every evil crime under the sun. Naturally, none of it is true, but the attacks continue.
I have chosen to keep silent up till now, but silence has allowed evil behavior to go unchecked. I will continue to speak out and teach those who sincerely want to learn about energy work and the Law of Attraction the secrets that will help them transform their dreams into reality.
Robert Zink
The Mentor of Light
Miracle Mentor and Alchemy Life Coaching
Imperator General of the Esoteric Order of the Golden Dawn
Chief Adept of the Second Order.
Several years ago I decided to take many of the real secrets of the Law of Attraction and occult knowledge that have remained behind closed doors and modify them for the average person who wants to invoke this awesome power for life enhancement and empowerment.
In the beginning it was exciting and rewarding. I began developing a master healing system that many believe is the most powerful healing system in the world. Naturally, I applied my background as Imperator of the Golden Dawn, ( a western occult organizations that trains student to master the magic of light ) and Kaballah, and my knowledge of Tantric and eastern energy modalities. All of this knowledge came together to form the Ruach Healing Method. Since the beginning, people all over the world have become certified in the system that I created.
At first, my occult brothers and sisters were delighted, but then I began doing more than healing work, I began mentoring students from all over the world in what I now call Miracle Mentoring and Alchemy Life Coaching. I began traveling and teaching. My client list was impressive and global. I was making an impact and people were seriously learning the ancient secrets of the Law of Attraction. It was exciting. However, my occult brothers and sisters were angry. They did not, and do not like the idea that I would be teaching non-members of the Golden Dawn these powerful secrets. The letters and phone calls from them included threats and promises of disaster if I did not stop. I refused.
Little by little I began to notice slanderous statements and posts about me on the Internet. Most of these posts were from another occult Order that also teaches Golden Dawn, but it was not limited. It came from my students as well who felt I was revealing too much to the public. One of them said to me, "how dare you reveal this knowledge when I have had to study and work for over 17 year have it." I tried to explain that I was not in violation of any oaths or vows, that the knowledge I was teaching was from other sources. My dear brother and sisters refused to listen.
Soon, I felt like Dr. Frankenstein with people gathered outside my home with pitch forks and torches. I felt in danger. I received several threatening letters, and several times my website and email was hacked. In addition, I now had to deal with a pile of nasty posts on the Internet that accused me of every evil crime under the sun. Naturally, none of it is true, but the attacks continue.
I have chosen to keep silent up till now, but silence has allowed evil behavior to go unchecked. I will continue to speak out and teach those who sincerely want to learn about energy work and the Law of Attraction the secrets that will help them transform their dreams into reality.
Robert Zink
The Mentor of Light
Miracle Mentor and Alchemy Life Coaching
Imperator General of the Esoteric Order of the Golden Dawn
Chief Adept of the Second Order.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Balancing Your Chakra's & Aura
By Robert Zink
Everyone living has an aura. Some people have an aura that radiates, other not so much. Has anyone noticed an aura radiating from you?
Practicing chakra balance increases the radiance of your aura, the heath of your aura, and in turn the health of your physical body.
This metaphysical concept teaches the balance of seven energy points inside our bodies, which is what encourages you to be healthier. Colors of your aura depend on what chakra is most evident, because each chakra is linked to a certain color.
Each chakra point has a corresponding color and body parts that are greatly influenced by the specific Chakra My simple method for balancing these points on the body is to focus on the color, the body area, and breathe deep in through the nose and out through the mouth while preforming this simple meditation. Begin at the base and work upward. Naturally there are more advanced methods, including my method of Chakras and Sephiorths from the Qabalah Tree of Life working together. This is an advanced method taught in my forthcoming book on Kaballah Healing. we won't go that in depth in this short blog. If you want to know more, or are open to private training, visit me at:
1. Red – Representing the base or root chakra. Located at the base of your spine, this chakra is what connects us to the universe and is what keeps us grounded to it.
2. Orange – For those who have problems with fertility, the orange or sacral chakra is one that you need to open, it is found at the crotch area.
3. Yellow – In order to increase inner strength, vitality and will it is the yellow or solarplex chakra that must be opened, also linked to stomach and organ related disorders.
4. Green – If you have love related issues, opening and closing the green or heart chakra is what you must do, this chakra is also linked to the heart, lungs and circulatory system.
5. Blue – also known as the throat chakra is found in the throat area and is associated to the throat, neck, arms and hands, also linked to speech and hearing, this chakra is opened for spiritual communication.
6. Indigo – For one to have a balanced state of mind it is the indigo or brow/third eye chakra that must be opened or closed, linked to the eyes, this chakra is also utilized to enter a subconscious state of mind.
7. Violet – also known as the crown chakra is found at the top of the head and is associated to the brain and the nervous system, this chakra also allows a deeper and more spiritual understanding of things.
Changes in chakra colors are affected by your mood and what you are experiencing and it can also be altered by other people’s energy in a room as well. What’s important is that you have a well balanced spectrum of chakra colors, which entails that the chakras within your body are well balanced as well.
Peace Profound,
Robert Zink
The Mentor of Light
Imperator General of the Esoteric Order of the Golden Dawn
Imperator General of the Esoteric Order of the Golden Dawn
Sunday, June 10, 2012
The Universe Card of the Tarot and a Little Meditation
By Robert Zink
I was putting away my tarot deck and the Universe Card fell out of the pack. I thought to myself how curious. The Universe card has so many different meanings. It may be one of the most important cards to meditate on, especially as it relates to manifesting and the Law of Attraction.
The Universe Card that I designed once was a card of a young woman in dance. She represents the dance of the elements coming into manifestation. I began to think about how the elements when in a sense of balance and harmony make for a productive life, but when allowed to get out of control, make for a life of chaos.
I know in my own life there has been some chaos, but that through effort and internal focus I have managed to get the elements back into a state of harmony.
I believe that anyone who practices magic, or the Law of Attraction runs the risk of getting out of balance, and the Universe Card can become our anchor to bringing us back into a wonderful state of harmony. This is why the four Kerubics are painted in the corner of the the Universe Card. The forces of the Elements need to be there if full manifestation is to occur.
Our beautiful young dancer is surrounded by 72 stars. These star represent the 72 Holy Angels of Manifestation. There are unpublished secrets that surround these beautiful angels and I was fortunate to be taught them by my own mentors.
I believe that meditation on this card along with what you want to manifest in your life is very powerful. You do not need to be a Tarot reader or master to use the beautiful images for meditation.
So, I meditated on the card, then, I began to focus on something I was trying to manifest in my life. I put the card away and forgot about it. Within a few hours I got a phone call and met with a man who hooked me up with a brand new laptop computer. How nice is a simple meditation on the Universe Card. Give it a try and write me a letter with your results, I think you will be amazed.
Peace Profound,
Robert Zink
I was putting away my tarot deck and the Universe Card fell out of the pack. I thought to myself how curious. The Universe card has so many different meanings. It may be one of the most important cards to meditate on, especially as it relates to manifesting and the Law of Attraction.
The Universe Card that I designed once was a card of a young woman in dance. She represents the dance of the elements coming into manifestation. I began to think about how the elements when in a sense of balance and harmony make for a productive life, but when allowed to get out of control, make for a life of chaos.
I know in my own life there has been some chaos, but that through effort and internal focus I have managed to get the elements back into a state of harmony.
I believe that anyone who practices magic, or the Law of Attraction runs the risk of getting out of balance, and the Universe Card can become our anchor to bringing us back into a wonderful state of harmony. This is why the four Kerubics are painted in the corner of the the Universe Card. The forces of the Elements need to be there if full manifestation is to occur.
Our beautiful young dancer is surrounded by 72 stars. These star represent the 72 Holy Angels of Manifestation. There are unpublished secrets that surround these beautiful angels and I was fortunate to be taught them by my own mentors.
I believe that meditation on this card along with what you want to manifest in your life is very powerful. You do not need to be a Tarot reader or master to use the beautiful images for meditation.
So, I meditated on the card, then, I began to focus on something I was trying to manifest in my life. I put the card away and forgot about it. Within a few hours I got a phone call and met with a man who hooked me up with a brand new laptop computer. How nice is a simple meditation on the Universe Card. Give it a try and write me a letter with your results, I think you will be amazed.
Peace Profound,
Robert Zink
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Robert Zinks World of Magic and Law of Attraction-part 1 05/23 by Robert Zink | Blog Talk Radio
Robert Zinks World of Magic and Law of Attraction-part 1 05/23 by Robert Zink | Blog Talk Radio
Be sure to catch this show along with other Law of Attraction podcasts. If you can't catch it live, be sure to visit I-tunes and download it.
Robert Zink
Mentor of Light
Miracle Mentor and Alchemy Life Coaching
Imperator of the Esoteric Order of the Golden Dawn
Chief Adept of the Second Order
Be sure to catch this show along with other Law of Attraction podcasts. If you can't catch it live, be sure to visit I-tunes and download it.
Robert Zink
Mentor of Light
Miracle Mentor and Alchemy Life Coaching
Imperator of the Esoteric Order of the Golden Dawn
Chief Adept of the Second Order
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